Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2140
Date :-2012/01/25
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy 2011 - 2016
Decision :-(a) That the ICT Strategy 2011 – 2016, as set out in Appendix ‘A’ to item A.3 of the Report of the Customer and Central Services Portfolio Holder, be agreed and be submitted to Council for formal adoption.

(b) That the Priority One projects, as set out in Appendix ‘B’ to the above-mentioned report, be approved and be funded from existing capital and revenue ICT budgets.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the views of the Corporate Management Committee and in order to move the Strategy forward.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Head of Resource Management - Karen Neath
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2012/02/03
Attachments :-A3 Report and Apps ICT Strategy (2M/bytes)