Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2611
Date :-2015/10/23
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-The Local Council Tax Support Scheme - Council Tax Exemptions and Discounts for 2016/17 and Annual Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement 2016/17
Decision :-It was recommended to Council that:

(a) The Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTS) remains the same as the current year, as set out as Appendix A and that therefore:

i) the LCTS be approved with the maximum LCTS award being 80% for working age claimants; and

ii) delegation be given to the Corporate Director (Life Opportunities), in consultation with the Revenues and Benefits Portfolio Holder, to undertake the necessary steps and actions to implement the LCTS scheme from 1 April 2016.

(b) The proposed Council Tax exemptions and discounts, as set out in Appendix B, be approved and that delegation is given to the Corporate Director (Life Opportunities), in consultation with the Revenues and Benefits Portfolio Holder, to undertake the necessary steps and actions to implement the Council Tax exemptions and discounts for 2016/2017.

(c) The Annual Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement for 2016/17, as set out in Appendix C, be approved.
Reason for Decision :-In order to allow these matters to progress to Council.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.

Consultation with Ward Member: N/A.
Contact Officer :-Corporate Director (Life Opportunities) - Paul Price and
Revenues and Benefits Manager – Harry Bates
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2015/10/30
Attachments :-A.4 LCTSS - Council Tax Exemptions and Discounts (2M/bytes)