Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2241
Date :-2013/01/23
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-Bereavement Services Capital Works and Income Generation
Decision :-(a) the obtaining of tenders for the replacement of the existing cremators be approved;

(b) the obtaining of tenders for the extension to the flower court to include a wall of remembrance (to be constructed at the same time as the cremators are replaced to ensure value for money in tendering the work as one project) be approved;

(c) the decision to install mercury abatement equipment be deferred;

(d) the appointment of project management consultants for resolutions (a) and (b) above up to the tender evaluation stage be approved and funded from the allocated capital programme budget;

(e) the Service Development and Delivery Committee be requested to investigate the development of either a woodland burial site or/and a pet cemetery and to report back to Cabinet with its findings; and

(f) Officers be authorised to enter into a local burden sharing scheme with neighbouring crematoria, the cost of this scheme being met by the addition of an extra fee on each cremation to be agreed with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Coast Protection.
Reason for Decision :-The Cabinet having considered the information submitted.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Corporate Director (Public Experience) - June Clare
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2013/02/01
Attachments :-A.10 Report (104K/bytes)