Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2238
Date :-2013/01/23
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Final General Fund Revenue Budget and Capital Programme
Decision :-RESOLVED that

(a) following the revised arrangements in respect of the council tax income from second homes; the Corporate Director (Corporate Services), in consultation with the Finance and Asset Management Portfolio Holder, be authorised to enter into any associated agreements whereby 25% of additional income from second homes and other discounts and exemptions will be passed over to Tendring District Council by the major precepting authorities;

(b) if the financial position changes prior to Council considering the budget on 12
February 2013; the Corporate Director (Corporate Services), in consultation with the Finance and Asset Management Portfolio Holder be authorised to adjust the Fit for Purpose budget/Contingency Budget as required;

(c) the Corporate Director (Corporate Services), in consultation with the Leader of the Council/Finance and Asset Management Portfolio Holder, reports directly to Council in respect of the formal draft resolutions necessary to implement the Cabinet’s budget proposals together with any late information or notifications received from the Department for Communities and Local Government etc. as may necessarily affect the budget, which include the budget changes needed to correctly present the new requirements associated with the changes to the Local Government Finance Settlement, such as those concerning the new business rates retention approach and the Local Council Tax Support Scheme;

(d) should further staffing changes be required following the Fundamental Service Reviews, the use of the £0.300m provision set up to support such changes be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council;

(e) up to £0.100m is earmarked from the 2012/13 Contingency Budget to meet any potential contributions required from this Council in accordance with the associated Municipal Mutual Insurance ‘Scheme of Arrangement’;

(f) the use of the Waste Collection Support Scheme Grant to deliver waste and other environmental initiatives in accordance with the bid to the Department of Communities and Local Government be delegated to the Corporate Director (Public Experience), in consultation with the Environment and Coast Protection Portfolio Holder.

(g) Officers undertake a review of the future level of uncommitted reserves to enable further consideration of this item as part of the Financial Strategy and budget setting process for 2014/15.


(h) having considered the comments from the Corporate Management Committee and the responses from the budget consultation activities undertaken, the following final budget proposals be made (based on a 0.5% reduction in a Band D Council Tax for District services);

(i) the detailed budgets, as per Appendix ‘A’ to item A.7 of the Report of the Finance and Asset Management Portfolio Holder, be approved (subject to any presentational changes arising from the new Business rate Retention Scheme) which provide for a Council Tax Requirement for 2013/14 of £6.272m (£7.641m for 2012/13) (excluding parish precepts);

(ii) Council agrees and formally approves:-

(a) the specific recommendations, calculations and other matters in respect of the Council’s requirements, Special Expenses and Parish/Town Council precepts as set out in Appendix ‘C’ to the above report (this includes but is not limited to the contrary resolution in paragraph (b) of that Appendix).

(b) the Council Tax for District and Parish/Town Councils, as set out in Appendix ‘F’ of the above report.
Reason for Decision :-To enable the Cabinet's final proposals to be submitted to the meeting of the Council to be held on 12 February 2012.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Corporate Director (Corporate Services) - Martyn Knappett
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2013/02/01
Attachments :-A.7 Report (5M/bytes)