Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2638
Date :-2016/01/22
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Final General Fund Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2016/17
Decision :-(a) That if the financial position changes prior to Council considering the budget on 9 February 2016, delegation be given to the Corporate Director (Corporate Services) to adjust the use of the net favourable position from taking 2015/16 and 2016/17 together as a 2 year budget cycle, in consultation with the Finance and Transformation Portfolio Holder;

(b) That in consultation with the Leader and the Finance and Transformation Portfolio Holder, the Corporate Director (Corporate Services) reports directly to Council in respect of the formal draft resolutions necessary to implement the Cabinet’s budget proposals along with any late information or notifications received from Communities and Local Government etc. as may necessarily affect the budget;

c) That the Corporate Management Committee was thanked for the work they had undertaken and continued to take in supporting the development of the budget and agreed with the comments of the Finance and Transformation Portfolio Holder in response to those of the Committee as set out in this report;

d) That the Free Residents Parking Scheme be extended for 3 years based on the key principles set out in this report, subject to the approval of the 2016/17 budget at Full Council on 9 February 2016 and the future availability of funding within the Parking Reserve which will be reviewed as part of the Council’s annual Financial Strategy / budget setting processes in 2017/18 and 2018/19;

(e) That Subject to (d) above, delegation be given to the Corporate Director (Corporate Services) in consultation with the Coast Protection Portfolio Holder, to take the necessary steps to implement the Revised Free Residents Parking Scheme from 1 April 2016; and

f) That delegation was given to the Corporate Director (Corporate Services) in consultation with the Finance and Transformation Portfolio Holder to undertake the necessary activities to enable the Council to accept the Government’s 4 year minimum funding offer to Local Authorities if there is a benefit to TDC of doing so.

That subject to the above Cabinet recommended to full Council

a) That following the consideration of the comments from the Corporate Management Committee and the responses from the budget consultation activities undertaken, the following final budget proposals be made (based on a 1.99% increase in a Band D Council Tax for district services):-

(i) That the detailed budgets as per Appendix A of this report be approved which provide for a Council Tax Requirement for 2016/17 of £6.762m (£6.539 for 2015/16) (excluding parish precepts).

(ii) That the Council agrees and formally approves:

(a) The specific recommendations, calculations and other matters in respect of the Council’s requirements – Appendix C

(b) The Council Tax for this Council’s services – Appendix F.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the item.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.

Consultation with Ward Member: N/A.
Contact Officer :-Finance and Procurement Manager - Richard Barrett
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2016/02/01
Attachments :-Budget Report and Appendices (3M/bytes)