Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2358
Date :-2013/11/21
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-Clacton and Holland-on-Sea Coast Protection Project Update and Proposed Procurement Processes, Key Milestones and Risks
Decision :-(a) that the updated position and key milestones that were required to enable the project to commence in 2014/15 be noted;

(b) that the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Coast Protection be a member and co-chairman of the Project Board;

(c) that the use of the Water and Environment Management Procurement Framework for the Construction Works Contractor and Contract Management and Supervision Consultant, based on the final design and works information, be approved;

(d) that the evaluation criteria to be used in assessing tenders be developed by the project team and that the Corporate Director (Public Experience), in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Environment and Coast Protection and Finance and Asset Management, be delegated to agree the final criteria to be applied in the formal tender process;

(e) that the use of the standard form of engineering contract NEC Options C and A for the Construction Works and Contract Management and Supervision, respectively, be approved;

(f) that the inclusion of secondary options, or additional clauses, within the NEC Contract be delegated to the Corporate Director (Public Experience), in consultation with the Legal Services Manager;

(g) that the decision to award contracts to those contractors, whose tenders had been evaluated in accordance with relevant criteria, be delegated to the Environment and Coast Protection and Finance and Asset Management Portfolio Holders; and

(h) that the Risk Register and the actions being taken to manage and mitigate the risks associated with the project be noted.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the report and the proposed next steps forward.
Alternative Options Considered :-N/A
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None

Consultation with Ward Member:

Affected Wards - St James, Pier, St Pauls, St Bartholomew and Haven
Contact Officer :-June Clare, Corporate Director (Public Experience)
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2013/11/29
Attachments :-Coast Protection Report (56K/bytes)