Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2652
Date :-2016/02/19
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-Enhancing Careline Services - The Creation of a Lifting Service
Decision :-That

(a) Cabinet approved the provision of an enhanced Careline service to all current and future Careline customers which included a lifting service;

(b) Authority was delegated to the Corporate Director (Life Opportunities), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, to identify how the £221,000 allocated by the Council, at its meeting on 9 February, could be utilised to support the Careline service to include lifting between its implementation and 2018/19, taking into account the possible increase in take up of the service as the service grew; and

(c) Authority was delegated to the Corporate Director (Life Opportunities), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, to identify a mechanism to ensure that the funding allocated by Council was not used to fund service users who may live outside the District (at the present time or in the future), nor those for whom funding was is already, or may be identified as being provided, or are private companies, such as private care establishments.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the report, the options available and the funding awarded by Council.
Alternative Options Considered :-That

1. No change to the existing structure and the lifting service was not created;
2. The new structure was adopted and no further charges were passed to Service Users. Cost to Council £69,656.
3. The new structure was adopted and the full cost was passed on to Service Users. Monthly fees would rise from the current £19.24* to £21.75*. This rise would also include an annual 1% increase (£0.19p) to cover increased service costs; and
4. The new structure was adopted but Service Users were given the option to opt-in or out of the additional lifting service. From the survey results Officers believed that possibly 40% would opt-out so monthly fees would need to rise from the current £19.24* to £23.30*. This rise would also include an annual 1% increase (£0.19p) to cover increased service costs.

Note: *Almost all Service Users are zero rated for VAT on Careline services.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.

Consultation with Ward Member: N/A.
Contact Officer :-Commercial Manager - Mark Westall
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2016/02/29
Attachments :-A.3 Report Enhancing Careline Services -Lifting Service (546K/bytes)