Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2117
Date :-2011/11/16
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-Community Assets Rents Offsetting Scheme: Review
Decision :-(a) That Option C be chosen as the way forward for the Council.

(b) That budgetary provision be made to fund the phased reduction up to the end of 2014/15 i.e. 2012/13 £63,902; 2013/14 £43,307 and 2014/15 £21,760.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the four options and their potential financial effect on the Council.
Alternative Options Considered :-(a) Continue the scheme as existing and increase the budget to suit.

(b) Discontinue the scheme and address any failing groups as the need arises.

(c) A phased reduction in the level of support given over three years.

(d) Rebalance the scheme to continue to support groups while reducing the financial impact on the Council:-

(i) Increase the amount of the flat-rate scheme, if increased to £500 the estimated 2016 budget would be £101,925.

(ii) Change the grant to a percentage of the open market rent, if set at 50% the estimated 2016 budget would be £60,296.

(iii) Change the grant to a flat-rate with a percentage of the open market rent above that, if set at £500 and 50%, the estimated 2016 budget would be £50,713.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-Councillor Halliday declared a personal interest.
Contact Officer :-Head of Resource Management - Karen Neath
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2011/11/24
Attachments :-A4 Report (131K/bytes)