Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2047
Date :-2011/02/16
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-Essex County Council Minerals Development Document: Preferred Approach
Decision :-(a) That, having regard to the lack of clarity over the scoring method used in the site selection process, the Council raises concerns regarding the methodology.

(b) That having regard to the close proximity of sites A16 Church Farm, Alresford and A17 Frating Hall Farm, Frating to a significant number of residential properties, the Council raises serious concerns regarding the potential loss of amenities to those properties as a result of mineral working activities and other adverse impacts at Frating, including transportation and archaeology and the Council objects to the inclusion of those proposed sites.

(c) That Essex County Council be asked to confirm and clarify its various references to site B3 Park Farm, Ardleigh (sand and gravel component) and B3 Park Farm, Ardleigh (silica sand).

(d) That in the event of site B1 Slough Farm, Ardleigh and/or site A20 Sunnymede, Elmstead and Heath Farm, Alresford being included subsequently in the Schedule of Preferred Sites, the Council raises concerns regarding the inclusion of those sites as there is already a concentration of minerals workings in the north-eastern part of the county within the western part of Tendring District.

(e) That Cabinet endorse the proposal to request the County Council that reliance on primary mineral resources in Essex will be reduced, firstly through the re-use and re-cycling of aggregates, then the more efficient use of the primary resource and reducing the amount of mineral waste.

(f) That the Cabinet endorse further objections to the proposed Frating site on the basis that:-

(i) Frating already has a deficit in amenity land and is heavily reliant on the network of footpaths and open land around the village to help offset that deficit, that would be lost if the proposed site proceeded.

(ii) Some of the close residential accommodation is the Frating mobile home park which is affordable homes for the over-50’s which makes this residential area particularly sensitive to noise and disturbance and additional emphasis should be placed on protecting its residential amenity.

(g) That care homes, pre-schools, other schools and the Frating mobile homes park should be considered as sensitive sites.

(h) That Cabinet endorse further objections to the proposed Alresford site due to the close proximity of the local school to the proposed site.

(i) That in response to a question concerning the planning history of the Frating site the Interim Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, writes to Essex County Council to ensure a correct planning history is acknowledged regarding the site.

(j) That the Interim Head of Planning Services and the Planning Portfolio Holder review the amended response in light of all comments made at the meeting to ensure that all points that warrant a material planning response are appropriately included.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the information submitted.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Interim Head of Planning Services - Elizabeth Wilson
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2011/02/24
Attachments :-Report and Appendices (7M/bytes)