Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2078
Date :-2011/06/15
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Land at the Junction of Brighton Road and Hereford Road, Holland-on-Sea
Decision :-That the contents of the report be noted and that the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee be requested to invite the Primary Care Trust to a future meeting to discuss their proposals for a new health centre in Holland-on-Sea.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the information submitted.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Acting Head of Corporate Performance - Adam Kendall
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2011/06/22
Attachments :-A9 Report and Appendices (116K/bytes)