Meeting documents

Reference Number :-1993
Date :-2010/11/10
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Initial Financial Forecast and Initial Financial Strategy 2011/12 - Corporate Management Committee Comments
Decision :-(a) That Cabinet thanks the Corporate Management Committee for its approach to reviewing the Initial Financial Strategy and recognises the work of the Committee through the addition of the following actions to the Tendring Spending Review Delivery Plan to be considered later in the agenda:-

• The Corporate Management Committee be asked to actively consider opportunities both for services within the Council and service providers within the District to work together more effectively.

• The comments on options for service delivery should be taken into account as service reviews are undertaken so that the most effective and efficient method of delivery can be determined.

• Once the asset stocktake and Asset Strategy are complete the Corporate Management Committee be asked to consider these and come up with proposals to address the comments made both with regard to management of individual assets and the overall asset management arrangements in place.

• Following a review of office accommodation consideration be given to a ‘pop-up’ office concept whereby spare office capacity could be leased to start up or fledging businesses for a limited period to provide a base from where they could operate prior to committing to longer term office premises.

• Discussion takes place through the TDALC forum on areas of joint service provision between the District and parish councils to consider how this could be done more effectively e.g. grass cutting.

• Ensure that staff have appropriate customer training and make customer focus a key component of service delivery review.

• All three Overview and Scrutiny Committees to hold discussions at future meetings to challenge existing ways of working and to come up with proposals on innovative opportunities to work smarter.

(b) That Cabinet confirms its Initial Financial Forecast and Initial Financial Strategy as agreed at its meeting on 4 August 2010.

(c) That the Officers take the issues into account in the next stage of the 2011/12 Financial Strategy/budget process.
Reason for Decision :-Having regard to the comments of the Corporate Management Committee.
Alternative Options Considered :-None
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None
Contact Officer :-Karen Neath, Head of Financial Services
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2010/11/23
Attachments :-Report Initial Financial Forecast & Initial Financial Strategy 2011/12 (81K/bytes)