Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2056
Date :-2011/03/09
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-Dovercourt Seafront Improvements Update and proposed new lease of Dovercourt Boating Lake, Low Road, Dovercourt
Decision :-That, subject to agreement of terms later in the meeting, a new lease of Dovercourt boating lake, Low Road, Dovercourt (as shown edged bold on the plan attached as Appendix ‘A’ to item A.5 to the Joint Report of the Head of Leisure Services and Acting Head of Corporate Performance) be granted for a period of 7 years from 1 April 2011, subject also to an agreed timeframe in which activities to the public will commence in line with the Council’s leisure priorities.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the information submitted.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Head of Leisure Services - Kevin Harkin
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2011/03/17
Attachments :-A5 Report (225K/bytes)