Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2457
Date :-2014/08/01
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-Chinese Sky Lanterns and their Effect on the Rural Community
Decision :-That:

(1) the Cabinet as a whole recognised the potential threats to crops and property posed by falling debris from Chinese Sky Lanterns; and

(2) the Cabinet was committed to reducing those risks wherever it reasonably could and therefore determined that:

(a) the use or release of Chinese Sky Lanterns from Council land was prohibited with immediate effect;
(b) a condition was to be included in all future leases, licences and consents regarding events on Council land which prohibits the use or release of Chinese Sky Lanterns;
(c) all Town and Parish Councils were to be encouraged to take similar steps on their land to prohibit the use or release of Chinese Sky Lanterns to reduce the risk of damage to crops and property;
(d) the Licensing Committee were to be requested to identify and take any opportunities to use the licensing legislation in pursuance of the Licensing Objectives for the Prevention of Public Nuisance and the Promotion of Public Safety to extend the prohibition of the use or release of Chinese Sky Lanterns.
(e) Officers to investigate the potential for implementing an appropriate by-law (or by-laws) to embed the Council’s approach; and
(f) The Council publicises its approach and promotes the responsible use of such lanterns across all parts of the Tendring District.
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the recommendations of the Rural Projects Panel.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Business Manager - Jon Barber
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2014/08/08
Attachments :-A.2 Report and Appendix Chinese Lanterns (33K/bytes)