Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2456
Date :-2014/08/01
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-South East Local Enterprise Partnership
Decision :-(a) That the responses of the Leader and Regeneration, Inward Investment and Asset Management Portfolio Holder were as follows:

Recommendation to Cabinet from Community Leadership and Partnership Committee:

(A) Cabinet looks at having a representative from the Tendring District on the SELEP Board.

Response of Cllr Mick Page, Leader and Regeneration, Inward Investment and Asset Management Portfolio Holder:

“At the end of last year the SE LEP Board determined to reduce the number of Board members from 44 to 27 in response to concerns over the functionality of the organisation’s governance. This decision was linked to proposals to establish a federal governance model (now implemented) giving more autonomy to the three counties that make up the SE LEP together with their constituent unitary, district and business partners.

Within this structure Essex has ten representatives on the SE LEP Board (five from the business community and five from local authorities).

Specifically Tendring District Council’s interests are represented by:

• Councillor Kevin Bentley (Deputy Leader and the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and Infrastructure, Essex County Council)
• Councillor Graham Butland (Leader, Braintree District Council) – Cllr Page is the nominated substitute member
• George Kieffer (SE LEP Vice Chair and Chairman of the Haven Gateway Partnership)

Given the recent structural changes to the SE LEP Board and the way in which the District’s interests are currently represented, it is extremely unlikely that the Board would countenance any further changes to its membership in order to accommodate a representative of Tendring District Council. It is felt that any attempt to secure a place on the SE LEP Board at this time is likely to be disruptive and counter-productive.

In addition, Members are asked to note that the SELEP Board has established a number of Advisory Groups that together contribute towards the Governance of the Partnership. These include: Thames Gateway Strategic Group; Transport Advisory Group; Skills Advisory Group, European Delivery Group; Rural Advisory Group; SEFUND Board Advisory Group; and Coastal Communities Group. The latter is currently chaired by the Leader of Tendring District Council, with administrative support provided via the Council’s Regeneration, Inward Investment and Growth Team.”

Recommendations to Cabinet from Community Leadership and Partnership Committee:

(B) Tendring required targets to be developed in line with what it wanted from SELEP.

Response from Councillor M Page:

“The Council’s ambitions for the District economy are articulated within its Economic Development Strategy, which was approved by Cabinet and endorsed by Full Council in November 2013. These ambitions have been enunciated to the SE LEP and its appointed consultants (Shared Intelligence) and are referenced within the SE LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan.

In response to the SE LEP’s call for projects (linked to the preparation of its Strategic Economic Plan) the Council presented a range of project proposals, which were entirely consistent with the ambitions of its Economic Development Strategy.

In addition, Members are asked to note that Tendring District Council is working with neighbouring authorities (Colchester and Braintree); Suffolk councils as well as the Haven Gateway Partnership to promote the growth opportunities afforded by the A120 (Harwich – Stansted/M11). As a result of this work the economic potential of the A120 has been recognised within the SE LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan.”

Recommendation to Cabinet from Community Leadership and Partnership Committee:

(C) As the Council needed a team to put the projects together to be ready to present to SELEP, Cabinet consider whether resources were sufficient to carry this out.

Response from Councillor Page:

“The Council’s Regeneration, Inward Investment and Growth Team has responsibility for preparing economic and regeneration projects, and for presenting these, as appropriate, to the SE LEP.

The Council has made provision in its HR Budgets to expand the Regeneration, Inward Investment and Growth Team and work is currently in hand to recruit three new members of staff to the team (Harwich and Dovercourt Regeneration Officer, Business Advisor, Funding Officer). I am delighted to announce that the Business Advisor starts with us on Monday 4th August and will be a very welcome addition to the team.”

(b) That Councillor Page
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the Community Leadership and Partnership Committee's recommendation.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Regeneration Manager - Tom Gardiner
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2014/08/08
Attachments :-A.1 Report Reference from CLAP Committee on SELEP (22K/bytes)