Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2366
Date :-2013/12/13
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Efficiency Savings and Income Generation: Leisure Services Fees and Charges
Decision :-(a) That the responses of the Portfolio Holder be agreed as follows:-

Comments from the Committee and Portfolio Holder Responses

1. Ensure that the refurbishment of Walton Pool goes ahead, and on time and to urge talks, or consultations with Frinton and Walton Town Council to alleviate any shortfalls.

The Committee’s views are supported, as demonstrated by Cabinet’s commitment to the refurbishment and expansion of the Dovercourt facility, and the Committee can be assured that Cabinet will work with officers to identify both internal as well as external funding opportunities to bring the necessary works to fruition.

2. Applaud the work of the Council’s Sports Facilities’ Business Manager in marketing initiatives and welcomes the new commercial approach to advertising public services to look into using successful schemes which have been introduced in the past i.e. free swimming and for those to be incorporated into specific “taster days” where all services and facilities could be promoted thereby maximising opportunities to increase income.

The Committee’s recognition of the business approach to the management of the service is welcomed and Cabinet will continue to work with officers to develop sound business principles across all non-statutory services.

3. Register the Council’s concerns about academies pulling out of swimming and urge
district council to talk to the academies and talk to them about what prices they are willing to pay.

Cabinet is aware that officers are developing a good relationship with the academies and does not at this time believe that concerns need to be registered but is willing to support such concerns being raised at the highest possible level if or when this is deemed to be necessary.

4. Look to work with local academies to encourage continuing with swimming lessons/use and recommend make contact with Essex boys clubs via Gill Burden and her team, once again to maximise the opportunities to increase income.

Cabinet notes that officers have already established good working relationships with academies and will continue to encourage further use of Tendring facilities for swimming and other activities. Cabinet also notes the contact already established by Gill Burden with the Essex Boys and Girls clubs and is aware that officers from within the departments of Life Opportunities and Public Experience will be exploring any opportunities which Tendring has for utilising resources or funding opportunities which may be available via this route.

(b) That the Cabinet was disappointed at the level of detail shown to one item by the Corporate Management Committee as opposed to the Council
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Corporate Management Committee.
Alternative Options Considered :-None
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None

Consultation with Ward Member:

Contact Officer :-Michael Carran – Operations Manager
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2013/12/23
Attachments :-CMC Reference Leisure Services Fees and Charges (31K/bytes)