Meeting documents

85  Performance Report - Quarter One 2014 (April 2014 to June 2014)
Decision 2483
 1 A.1 Performance Report Quarter One April - June 2014 (944K/bytes) 
86  Enforcement of Dog-fouling and litter-dropping Offences within Tendring
Decision 2484
 1 A.2 Enforcement of Dog-foulding and Litter-dropping Offences (19K/bytes) 
87  Update on the Coastal Protection Scheme for Clacton-on-Sea and Holland-on-Sea
Decision 2485
 1 A.3 Report Update on the Coastal Protection Scheme (17K/bytes) 
88  Corporate Budget Monitoring Report for the Second Quarter of 2014/15
Decision 2486
 1 A.4 Corporate Budget Monitoring Report (2M/bytes) 
89  The Local Council Tax Support Scheme: Council Tax Exemptions and Discounts for 2015/2016 and Annual Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement 2015/2016
Decision 2487
 1 A.5 LCTS Report and Appendices (531K/bytes) 
 2 A.5 LCTS Scheme Reference from CMC (9K/bytes) 
90  Amendments to the Council's Constitution - Phase 3
Decision 2488
 1 A.6 Report Amendments to the Council's Constitution (614K/bytes) 
921 Cabinet Exempt Minutes 5 September 2014 (38K/bytes)