Meeting documents

68  Announcements by Cabinet Members
 1 Feedback paper from Councillor S Mayzes (103K/bytes) 
70  Corporate Management Committee Working Party - Efficiency Savings and Income Generation
Decision 2341
 1 A.1 Report CMC Working Party Efficiency Savings (25K/bytes) 
71  Performance Report - Quarter One 2013-14 (June 2013)
Decision 2342
 1 A.2 Performance Report - Quarter One (2M/bytes) 
73  Beach Hut Strategy
Decision 2343
 1 A.3 Beach Hut Strategy Report and Appendix (3M/bytes) 
74  Renewal of Lease of Clacton Rugby Club to Include Easement for Lighting of two Pitches at Valley Road, Clacton-on-Sea
Decision 2344
 1 A.4 Renewal of Lease of Clacton Rugby Club Report and App (689K/bytes) 
75  Office Sites at Clay Hall, Waddesdon Road, Triangle Centre and Westleigh House: Next Steps
Decision 2345
 1 A.5 Office Sites Report and Appendix (57K/bytes) 
76  Office Rationalisation and Modernisation
Decision 2346
 1 A.6 Office Rationalisation and Modernisation (470K/bytes) 
77  Pre-Submission Focussed Changes to the Tendring District Local Plan
Decision 2347
 1 A.7 Report Tendring District Local Plan (206K/bytes) 
 2 A.7 Appendix A (2M/bytes) 
 3 A.7 Appendix B (725K/bytes) 
 4 A.7 Appendix C (21M/bytes) 
821 Exempt Minutes Cabinet 6 Sept 2013 (20K/bytes)
831 B.1 Renewal of Lease of Clacton Rugby Club (30K/bytes)