Meeting documents

4  Application to be deferred
 1 11/00037/FUL Land Adj. Harwich Road, Mistley (140K/bytes) 
5  Planning Appeals and Decisions
 1 A1 Planning Appeals and Decisions (107K/bytes) 
6  Planning Appeals Quarterly Report
 1 A2 Planning Appeals Quarterly Report (32K/bytes) 
7  Site Visit Required
 1 A3 Site Visit Required (27K/bytes) 
8  Planning Application 11/00145/OUT – St Joseph’s Convent, 14-16 Raglan Road, Frinton-on-Sea – Demolition of the existing convent and construction of 12 apartments with associated car parking
 1 A4 Application 11/00145/OUT (173K/bytes) 
 2 Update Sheet (30K/bytes) 
9  Planning Application 11/00263/FUL – Christian Science Church, 1 Wittonwood Road, Frinton-on-Sea – Erection of 2no. dwellings (semi-detached), (following demolition of existing church) and new vehicular access
 1 A6 Application 11/00263/FUL (129K/bytes) 
10  Planning Application 11/00289/FUL – Land adjoining Ipswich Road and Wick Lane, Ardleigh - Use of land as car dealership:- Erection of building for use as car show room, workshop and ancillary offices with associated car parking and landscaping, and construction of new access and upgrading of existing access
 1 A7 Application 11/00289/FUL (147K/bytes) 
11  Planning Application 11/00364/FUL - 9 Kings Close, Lawford – Front extension
 1 A8 Application 11/00364/FUL (137K/bytes)